They were all there! The doodles I made on my quote-unquote lecture notebooks, my Kalayaan Residence Hall Meal Cards and receipts, my ROTC ID, my pictures (almost skeletal due to constant absence of lunch money, faded jeans folded out, oversized shoes, schoolboy haircut), CDs and diskettes, Bluebooks, STS Test Papers, and more.
Here's a little part of the Elvin memorabilia. Found this in one of the CDs. It's my crude attempt at animation. It's in GIF format and it's rather large. I think it only works if you have really really fast internet connection. I'm sorry I don't know how to embed a flash file yet. Watch it now. Click here. Please?
Karmee asked for this. Here's a picture of Kitty Nadal and her Mom.
cutieeee! mejo kamukha sila ni shao-shao ko, i mean the color. alagaan mo ha? >u know who.
Morbid ang animation. Unhappy ba ang childhood mo elvin?
hayup animation mo elvin. reminds me of sayang, la na yung site na yun. tungkol sya kay Lawin, yung tambay sa main lib=)
- marge
Kitty Nadal! Heehee! That made me smile. :)
Great page! Excellent points! Hope I can get away from my real music ringtone long enough to come back again! Keep up the great work!
real music ringtone
Hi there elvin,
Just to give you a heads up, you're probably going to get some more comments on this post: Memories All Alone in the Moonlight. I found you when I was out looking for the latest info about rash guards products, and even though this doesn't relate to rash guards, I still had to stop and tell you that you're doing a great job. You're about to get some visits from my brother and sister. I told them about your blog so I hope you don't mind.
elvin this is great!
It's funny how I was looking for this type of thing and found your post: Memories All Alone in the Moonlight. It pulled me right out of my research on man rashguards products and allowed me to sit down for a nice read. Thanks for your great job elvin. I think I'll hang out on your blog for a while and be done with man rashguards stuff for now. Have a good day elvin.
Hi there elvin,
Just to give you a heads up, you're probably going to get some more comments on this post: Memories All Alone in the Moonlight. I found you when I was out looking for the latest info about rashguard sleeveless products, and even though this doesn't relate to rashguard sleeveless, I still had to stop and tell you that you're doing a great job. You're about to get some visits from my brother and sister. I told them about your blog so I hope you don't mind.
Aloha elvin,
I'm a visitor from Hawaii and just found your post Memories All Alone in the Moonlight. I like it... it's interesting so I decided to read and say hi. Although my interests are mostly about quicksilver rashguards related information right now, your blog got my attention and was a nice change. Thanks for your nice blog elvin, I think I'll tell my cousin to stop by if that's okay.
~ Aloha ~
Hi elvin,
I have to say that your blog hits the spot!
I was out looking for information on rashguard sleeveless but found your post: Memories All Alone in the Moonlight to be far more interesting than what I was looking for. Quite a good job you're doing on your site here... I'm thinking about making a blog about rashguard sleeveless I want to make it look like yours here. If you have any tips or secrets maybe you could share :)
It was great to visit your blog, thanks.
Howdy elvin,
I'm impressed with what you wrote here in your Memories All Alone in the Moonlight post. I gave up my search for quicksilver rashguards information and wanted to hang out here on your blog - well done. I might make a blog like yours about quicksilver rashguards, but I wouldn't try to compete with you. You're doing a great job elvin.
You got a great thing going... by friend.
elvin this is great!
It's funny how I was looking for this type of thing and found your post: Memories All Alone in the Moonlight. It pulled me right out of my research on man rashguards products and allowed me to sit down for a nice read. Thanks for your great job elvin. I think I'll hang out on your blog for a while and be done with man rashguards stuff for now. Have a good day elvin.
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