The Night we ate an Entire Chicken Family of 6

I can’t believe I haven’t written about this. Anyway, this blog entry certifies that I, like you, your friends, and your friend’s friends, have taken the Max’s Chicken-All-You-Can challenge.

The first time I saw the promo poster on Facebook, I know they created this promo for me. Haha. No of course they didn’t. They did it in celebration of their 65th anniversary. Yes, the house that fried chicken built is that old. But then you probably already know that if you pay attention to their murals - the murals that show that Max is actually a real person and not the name of their chicken mascot.

Going back, everything started with an invitation from Larry:

6:30 p.m. that day, we (all the people mentioned above + Carl) lined up at Max’s in Convergys Ayala like it’s a premiere of a Star Wars movie (or Twilight, or You Changed My Life. It depends on what you like). There were lots of yuppies in line. (Are we yuppies too?) We waited for about fifteen minutes, hungry, because that’s how you prepare for a buffet. You should starve yourself.

And then it began. Chicken piece number 1 of course is cute. And very mabango. Crispy, coat-free skin, juicy meat – all the things that made Max’s our favorite. Chicken number 2 is all right. By the third chicken piece, we were already making uncomfortable laughter and our senses were beginning to dull. We’re already acting drunk, because of the oil and cholesterol maybe, touching the backs of our necks and occasionally rubbing our stomachs.

I gave up after my 5th chicken quarter. And I wasn’t the winner in our table. It was Larry who ate 6. This is the chicken bone mass grave we created after the carnage:

I’m not sure when’s this promo ending but I think they will still offer this this weekend. If you’re thinking of trying this and breaking our record, here are some tips. Drink all your water at 3pm and never eat/drink anything more until 6pm (the starting time of the Chicken All you Can hours) and do not order any drink. Haha. Eat slowly. You can have rice but it’s just there to neutralize the fried taste, so take in just a little with each bite-sized chicken piece. Have plenty of conversation topics. Get emergency numbers ready on your phone. And also, have tea after. Believe us, that last tip is important :P


TwistedHalo said...

I'm scared LOL :) Buti na lang I'm not a huge fan of chicken. :)

Elvin said...

Hahaha. Ako naman I'm a big fan! Sobrang big.

Larius said...

I wanna go back, Elvin. What say you?

Or maybe we could just go to Banchetto tomorrow. I already asked Iris and Val and Bellamy and DO YOU ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE?

Elvin said...

tonight? oh sorry i'm booked :(

Abbie said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing this, Elvin. I will ask my family if they are up to the challenge. Ako di masyadong fan ng Max's chicken...kung Jollibee pa yan! :D

Elvin said...

Hey Abbie! Promo ended yesterday but there's still hope! There's public clamor for an extension haha