We went to UP this morning to hear the 8am mass - Tatay, Nanay, my sister and myself. My father particularly likes hearing mass at UP's big dome, for 2 reasons: 1) Whenever we attend mass, the priest's homily will always always always be swak to our current situation. So it's like we're having our own family's spiritual advisor; and 2) This is the one of the two churches where he made "habilin" me (that's so arte but I can't think of other ways to say it) to God when I was applying for college and he knew I was about to leave home soon. (The other church we went to was the UST "church" which we found out years later to be UST's Admin building. So yeah, we prayed to the admin files - what a glorious mystery).
If there's a third reason, that should be the post-mass food trip (inihaw na sweet corn, lumpia, kamote Q, etc.), followed by the requisite Shopping Center tour and souvenir UP shirt purchase.
It's nice to know that after more than X years, beyond the tuition ultra-hike, some things remain more or less the same (like Maroon's perpetual t-shirt designs). I'm not saying they don't have new designs though. They come out with new ones once in a while, like this shirt: (If you're from UP, you'll recognize the guy in the design.)

After so many years, there are still cute messages on freshly-painted walls. (Post no bill, so just spray paint it.)

After all these years, I still can't master the mass schedule. So for future reference, I'm posting this here:

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